“Keep You Posted” – Its Meaning, Origin And Usage
To keep someone “posted” is a very common expression that is actually used in many professional settings, along with also being a fairly casual term. While the actual phrasing can seem slightly strange at first glance, this is a very common term with a fascinating history that can be heard being said all the time nowadays.
Here is what exactly it means if someone says they will “keep you posted”, along with examples of how it can be used, and any similar phrases with comparable meanings.
The Meaning Of Keep You Posted
To keep someone “posted” means to make sure they are informed, or in the know. It is usually said to someone who is the one expecting to receive further updates and news on the situation.
A person in a superior position in a company could be saying it to employees for example who are expecting an update on any new information on a pay rise.
It is a term associated with trust and means that someone is promising that they will keep someone else up to date on any new developments within an ongoing situation, with it therefore normally being said between two people with either a social or professional relationship, rather than strangers since the chances are they won’t see each other again.
The definition of “keep you posted” is:
– To continue to inform someone about something so that they have current information.
Examples Of Keep You Posted
There are a large number of scenarios where someone could use the phrase “keep you posted” to suggest that they will share any information they learn of in the near future.
Here are common examples of when this term can be used:
While At Work
“Keep you posted” is used very often within workspaces, primarily between a manager or boss to an employee who has asked for information on any recent developments within a particular area of the company. This could be new information on receiving more pay, rumors of potential expansions, software updates, and any potential worthwhile news.
This could also be said between work colleagues who are trying to find out information for themselves while having a similar query. Some sentences where it could be used in this setting include:
– “I will look into the potential pay rise and will keep you posted on any new developments”
– “After speaking to the manager, I couldn’t find out anything, but I’ll keep you posted”
Important Social Situations
When someone is getting ready to take on a nerve-racking and stressful social situation, whether it be a job interview, a date, or a reunion with friends, it can be common for that person to say that they will keep a friend or close relative “posted” on the event, making this a much more casual way of using the term.
This means the person participating in the situation is inclined to let the other person know how it’s going through a text or phone call, or to at least let them know how it went after it’s finished.
A sentence using the phrase this way could be the following:
– “I really hope this date goes well. I’ll make sure to keep you posted”
– “On my lunch break, I will keep you posted on how everything is going”
Other Ways To Say Keep You Posted
Since it only means keeping someone updated on new information, there are a few other ways someone could say that they want to keep someone “posted,” with the most common being when someone says that will “keep you in the loop” which means the exact same thing. Other phrases with this meaning include keeping someone “updated” or “filled in” so that they know exactly what is going on.
Many job interviewers will often say that they will “be in touch” once the interview has ended, which has a similar meaning in that they intend to update the interviewee on new developments, but this is referring to a decision made by the interviewer themselves on their own time, rather than trying to find out information which is what “keep you posted” is more so used for.
Origins Of Keep You Posted
The term ‘keep you posted’ actually comes from the mid-19th century Americanism “posted-up” which essentially meant “well informed”. This was in reference to the common practice throughout the 19th century and years before of information on jobs, politics, and any social developments being conveyed to people through posting letters. These letters were public announcements designed to keep people informed, and up to date with any news they may be interested in, or that they deserve to know.
The next time you hear someone say that they will keep you “posted”, have faith that they will get back to you when they can on any news or updates they learn about in the near future.