Old English Words – A Comprehensive List of Old English Vocabulary
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Full List of All Old English Words
- abutan, adv., about, around
- ac, conj., but, however
- acennan, verb, bring forth, give birth to
- acwellan, verb, to kill
- adl, noun, f., sickness, disease
- agen, adj., own
- aglæca, noun, m., monster, combatant, the terrible one
- ahwær, adv., anywhere
- alimpan, verb, befall, come to pass
- alyfan, verb, to permit, allow
- amyrran, verb, to wound
- an, numeral, a, an, one
- and, conj., and
- anda, noun, m., malice, hostility
- andgit, noun, n., meaning, sense
- andsaca, noun, m., enemy, adversary
- andswarian, verb, to answer
- andweard, adj., present
- andwlita, noun, m., face
- andwyrdan, verb, to answer
- anfeald, adj., simple, onefold
- anfloga, noun, m., solitary flier
- angel, noun, m., hook
- anginn, noun, n., beginning
- anhaga, noun, m., solitary one, one who dwells alone
- anlicnes, noun, f., image
- anræd, adj., resolute
- anwealda, noun, m., ruler, Lord
- ar, noun, f., oar
- ar, noun, f, honour, mercy, favour, prosperity
- ar, noun, n., copper
- ariht, adv., properly
- arisan, verb, to arise
- arleas, adj., dishonourable
- arlice, adv, honourably, kindly
- arod, adj., bold
- arweorþe, adj., honourable
- asecgan, verb, to say, tell
- astyrian, verb, to remove, to move
- atelic, adj., horrible, dreadful
- ateon, verb, to draw, unsheathe
- atol, adj., terrible, hateful
- attor, noun, n., venom
- awiht, noun, n., anything
- axian, verb, to ask
- aþ, noun, m., oath
- æ, noun, f., law
- æcer, noun, m., cultivated field
- æfæst, adj., pious
- æfen, noun, m., evening
- æfre, adv., forever, always, ever
- æfter, prep., after
- æfterfylgan, verb, to follow, to come after
- æghwa, pron., everyone, everything
- æghwær, adv., everywhere
- ægþer, pron., each, both, either
- æht, noun, f., possessions, property
- æl, noun, m., eel
- ælc, pron. and adj., each, every
- ælfscyne, adj., beautiful as a fairy
- ælmihtig, adj., almighty
- æmettig, adj., empty
- ænig, adj., any
- ær, adv., before, previously
- ærende, noun, n., message
- ærest, adj., first
- ærgewinn, noun, n., ancient hostility
- ærgod, adj., good from old times
- ærnan, verb, to run
- æsc, noun, m., ash tree, spear
- æscplega, noun, m., spear-fight, battle
- æscrof, adj., brave in battle
- æstel, noun, m., ?pointer used to keep one’s place as one reads
- æt, prep., at
- ætgædere, adv., together
- ætsomne, adv., together
- ætywan, verb, to appear, to show
- æþele, adj., noble
- æþeling, noun, m., prince, atheling
- æþelo, noun, n. pl., origin, descent, noble lineage
- bæc, noun, n., back
- bæcere, noun, m., baker
- bæl, noun, n., fire, funeral pyre
- bærnan, verb, to burn
- bæþ, noun, n., bath
- baldlice, adv., boldly
- bana, noun, m., slayer
- banhus, noun, n., body
- banloca, noun, m., ‘bone-enclosure’, ?muscles, ?body
- bar, noun, m., boar
- bat, noun, m., boat
- baþian, verb, to bathe
- be, prep., about, concerning
- beacen, noun, n., beacon, sign
- beadu, noun, m., battle
- beadurinc, noun, m., warrior
- beadurof, adj., bold in battle
- beag, noun, m., circular ornament
- beaggyfa, noun, m., ring-giver, lord
- beaggyfu, noun, f., ring-giving, generosity
- beaghord, noun, n., ring-hoard, treasure
- bealdor, noun, m., lord
- bealu, noun, n., misery, harm, injury, enmity
- bealuhygdig, adj., intending evil, hostile
- bealusiþ, noun, m., painful journey, bitter experience
- beam, noun, m., tree, cross
- bearm, noun, m., bosom, lap
- bearn, noun, n., child, son
- bearu, noun, m., grove
- bebeodan, verb, to command
- bedælan, verb, to deprive
- begen, adj. and pron., both
- begeondan, prep., beyond
- begietan, verb, to get, to acquire
- beginnan, verb, to begin
- begnornian, verb, to lament
- beheafdian, verb, to behead, decapitate
- behreowsian, verb, to repent
- benc, noun, f., bench
- benn, noun, f., wound
- beon, verb, to be
- beor, noun, n., beer
- beorg, noun, m., hill, mound, mountain)
- beorgan, verb, to save, protect
- beorht, adj., bright
- beorn, noun, m., man, warrior
- beot, noun, n., vow, boast
- beran, verb, to carry, bear
- berstan, verb, to burst
- beswican, verb, to deceive, ensnare
- bet, adv., better
- betweonan, prep., between
- betweox, prep., between
- bidan, verb, to await, experience
- biddan, verb, to ask, bid
- bifian, verb, to shake
- bigong, noun, m., worship
- bill, noun, n., sword
- bisgu, noun, f., occupation
- bitan, verb, to bite
- blac, adj., pale
- blæc, adj., black
- blæd, noun, m., glory
- blawan, verb, to blow
- bletsian, verb, to bless
- blod, noun, n., blood
- boc, noun, f., book
- bodian, verb, to preach
- bolster, noun, n., pillow
- bricg, noun, f., bridge
- brim, noun, n., sea
- broga, noun, m., terror, danger
- broþor, noun, m., brother
- brucan, verb, to use, enjoy, benefit from
- brun, adj., brown, black, purple, red
- brytta, noun, m., distributor, one who hands out
- burh, noun, f., stronghold, enclosure
- butan, prep., without, except, but
- byrgan, verb, to bury
- bysig, adj., busy
- bysmor, noun, m., disgrace, mockery
- casere, noun, m., emperor
- ceald, adj., cold
- ceaster, noun, f., town
- cempa, noun, m., warrior
- cicen, noun, n., chicken
- cirice, noun, f., church
- clipian, verb, to call
- clyppan, verb, to embrace
- cniht, noun, m., boy, youth
- cringan, verb, to fall, perish
- cuman, verb, to come
- cunnan, verb, to know
- cunnian, verb, to find out
- cwellan, verb, to kill
- cwen, noun, f., woman, queen
- cwic, adj., alive
- cyning, noun, m., king
- cyse, noun, m., cheese
- cyþan, verb, to make known, inform, reveal
- dæd, noun, f., deed
- dæg, noun,m., day
- dæl, noun, m., part, portion
- dema, noun, m., judge
- deofol, noun, m. or n., devil
- deop, adj., deep
- deor, noun, n., wild animal
- deorc, adj., dark
- digol, adj., secret
- dom, noun, m., judgement
- don, verb, to do
- dream, noun, m., joy, delight
- dreogan, verb, to suffer
- dreor, noun, m. or n., dripping blood
- drihten, noun, m., lord
- dugan, verb, to be of use
- duguþ, noun, f., troop of seasoned retainers, mature men
- durran, verb, to dare
- duru, noun, f., door
- dyre, adj., dear
- dyrne, adj., secret
- dysig, adj., foolish
- ea, noun, f., river
- eac, adv., also
- eadig, adj., blessed, happy
- eald, adj., old
- ealdor, noun, m., leader, prince
- ealdor, noun, n., life, age
- eallwealda, noun, m., all-ruler, the Lord
- earfoþ, noun, n., work, hardship
- earm, adj., poor
- ece, adj., eternal
- ecg, noun, f., edge, sword
- eft, adv., again
- ege, noun, m., fear
- ellen, noun, n., courage, strength
- engel, noun, m., angel
- ent, noun, m., giant
- eorl, noun, m., nobleman
- fæder, noun, m., father
- fæger, adj., beautiful, pleasant
- fæmne, noun, f., virgin, woman
- faran, verb, to go, travel
- feax, noun, n., hair
- fela, pron., many
- feond, noun, m., enemy
- feor, adj., far
- feorh, noun, n., life
- ferhþ, noun, m., spirit, mind
- fleogan, verb, to fly
- folde, noun, f., earth, ground
- folme, noun, f., hand
- fon, verb, to catch, seize
- forhtian, verb, to fear
- forlætan, verb, to abandon, let go, neglect
- forma, adj., first
- forst, noun, m., frost
- frætwe, noun, f. pl., ornaments
- frea, noun, m., lord
- fremde, adj., strange
- fremman, verb, to do, perpetrate
- friþ, noun, m., peace
- frod, adj., old, wise
- frofor, noun, f., consolation
- fruma, noun, m., beginning
- fugol, noun, m., bird
- fultum, noun, m., help, support
- fus, adj., eager
- fyr, noun, n., fire
- fyren, noun, f., crime, wickedness
- galan, verb, to sing
- gamol, adj., old, ancient
- gan, verb, to go
- gar, noun, m., spear
- gast, noun, m., spirit, soul, angel, ghost
- gear, noun, n., year
- geard, noun, m., yard, enclosure
- gebed, noun, n., prayer
- gebeorscipe, noun, m., beer party
- gebetan, verb, to improve, remedy
- gebiddan, verb, to pray
- geceapian, verb, to buy
- gecnawan, verb, to recognise, perceive, understand
- gedwyld, noun, n., heresy, error
- gemynd, noun, n., mind, remembrance
- genog, adj., enough
- geomor, adj., sad
- geond, prep., through, throughout
- geong, adj., young
- georn, adj., eager
- gereord, noun, n., speech, voice
- gesib, adj., related
- gesund, adj., unharmed, whole, uncorrupted
- gewinn, noun, n., war, battle, strife
- gewinnan, verb, to conquer, win
- geþeode, noun, n., language
- giedd, noun, n., word, speech, riddle
- giefu, noun, f., gift
- giet, adv., yet, still
- gif, conj., if
- gioguþ, noun, f., youth, young people
- gnornian, verb, to mourn
- god, adj., good
- god, noun, m., God
- grædig, adj., greedy
- griþ, noun, n., truce
- guma, noun, m., man
- guþ, noun, f., battle, war
- gylp, noun, m., boast, pride
- gyse, adv., yes
- habban, verb, to have
- hælan, verb, to heal
- hælend, noun, m., saviour
- hæleþ, noun, m., hero
- hæþen, adj., heathen
- hal, adj., safe, unhurt
- halig, adj., holy
- ham, noun, m., home
- hat, adj., hot
- hatan, verb, to command, order, call, name
- heafod, noun, n., head
- heah, adj., high
- hearh, noun, m., heathen shrine
- heaþorinc, noun, m., warrior
- helm, noun, m., protection, cover, helmet
- heofon, noun, m., heaven
- heorot, noun, m., deer, stag
- here, noun, m., army
- hergian, verb, to ravage
- hild, noun, f., battle
- hlæw, noun, m., mound, barrow
- hlaf, noun, m., bread
- hlaford, noun, m., lord
- hleo, noun, n., protection, shelter
- holt, noun, n., wood, forest
- hord, noun, n., hoard
- hu, adv., how
- hund, noun, m., dog
- hus, noun, n., house
- hwa, pron., who
- hwær, adv., where
- hwæt, pron., what
- hwæþer, conj., whether
- hwelc, pron. and adj., which
- hwil, noun, f., while
- hycgan, verb, to think, plan
- hyge, noun, m., mind, heart, courage
- hyht, noun, m., joy, bliss, hope
- hyrde, noun, m., guardian, keeper
- hyse, noun, m., warrior
- ic, pron., I
- ides, noun, f., lady
- ilca, adj. and pron., same
- isen, noun, n., iron
- lac, noun, n., play, sacrifice, offering
- læne, adj., temporary, transitory, granted, lent
- laf, noun, f., remnant, what is left
- lagu, noun, f., law
- lar, noun, f., teaching
- laþ, adj., hateful, hostile
- leas, adj., devoid of
- leax, noun, m., salmon
- leode, noun, pl., people
- leof, adj., beloved, dear
- leoht, noun, n., light
- leoþ, noun, n., song, poem, poetry
- lic, noun, n., body
- lichama, noun, m., body
- lif, noun, n., life
- lind, noun, f., shield
- lof, noun, n., praise
- lofgeorn, adj., eager for praise
- lufu, noun, f., love
- lyft, noun, f., air, sky, breeze
- mæg, noun, m., kinsman
- mægen, noun, n., strength, power, army
- mægþ, noun, f., maiden
- mære, adj., famous, glorious, notorious
- magan, verb, to be able, can, be competent
- man, noun, n., crime
- manig, adj., many
- mann, noun, n., person, human being
- maþelian, verb, to speak
- maþm, noun, m., treasure
- mearc, noun, f., boundary, region, border
- mearh, noun, m., horse
- mece, noun, m., sword
- meodo, noun, m., mead
- meotod, noun, m., creator
- mere, noun, m., pool, lake
- micel, adj., great, large, much
- mid, prep., with, amid, among
- middangeard, noun, m., world, middle earth
- miht, noun, f., might
- mod, noun, n., spirit, courage, mind
- modig, adj., brave, bold, arrogant
- modor, noun, f., mother
- mona, noun, m., moon
- morþor, noun, n., crime, violence, torment
- motan, verb, to may, be allowed to
- mund, noun, f., hand, protection
- mynster, noun, n., monastery, church ]
- nædre, noun, f., snake, serpent
- næss, noun, m., headland, bluff
- neah, adj., near
- neorxnawang, noun, m., Paradise
- niman, verb, to take
- niþ, noun, m., hatred, malice, trouble
- nu, adv., now
- nytt, noun, f., use, utility
- ofer, prep., over
- ofermod, noun, n., pride, arrogance, overconfidence
- offrian, verb, to offer
- oft, adv., often
- onfon, verb, to receive, accept, take up
- ongean, adv., back, again
- ongietan, verb, to understand, perceive
- onginnan, verb, to begin
- ord, noun, m., point, spear, vanguard
- oþ þæt, conj., until
- oþer, adj., other
- oþþe, conj., or
- pæþ, noun, m., path
- penig, noun, m., penny
- preost, noun, m., priest
- ræd, noun, m., advice
- rædan, verb, to read, instruct, give counsel, rule
- rand, noun, m., shield, shield-boss
- rice, adj., powerful, great
- rice, noun, n., kingdom
- rinc, noun, m., man, warrior
- rod, noun, f., rood, cross
- rodor, noun, m., sky, heaven
- run, noun, f., secret meditation
- sacu, noun, f., battle
- sæ, noun, f. and m., sea
- samod, adv., together, too, at the same time
- sar, adj., sore
- sarig, adj., sorrowful
- sawol, noun, f., soul
- sceadu, noun, f., shadow
- scealc, noun, m., man, warrior
- sceat, noun, m., surface, region
- sceatt, noun, m., money, payment
- sceawian, verb, to see, look at
- sceþþan, verb, to injure
- scieppan, verb, to create
- sculan, verb, to must, have to
- se, seo, þæt, pron., the
- secan, verb, to seek
- secg, noun, m., man, warrior
- secgan, verb, to say
- sefa, noun, m., heart
- sele, noun, m., hall, house
- sellan, verb, to give, sell
- sendan, verb, to send, throw, hurl, cause to go
- seon, verb, to see
- sibb, noun, f., peace
- sige, noun, m., victory
- simle, adv., always
- sinc, noun, n., treasure
- singal, adj., perpetual
- siþ, noun, m., journey, fate, lot, venture
- siþþan, adv., since, afterwards, later
- slean, verb, to strike, beat
- smeagan, verb, to think, examine
- snottor, adj., wise
- sona, adv., immediately, soon
- sorg, noun, f., sorrow, grief, trouble
- soþ, adj., true
- sped, noun, f., success, quickness
- spell, noun, n., story, message
- sprecan, verb, to speak
- stan, noun, m., stone
- stefn, noun, f., voice
- stow, noun, f., place
- stræl, noun, m. or f., arrow
- sum, adj. and pron., a, a certain, some
- sunne, noun, f., sun
- sunu, noun, m., son
- swa, adv., so, thus
- sweart, adj., dark, black
- swefn, noun, n., dream
- swelc, adj., such
- sweord, noun, n., sword
- sweostor, noun, f., sister
- sweotol, adj., clear, manifest
- swincan, verb, labour, toil, struggle
- swiþe, adv., very, greatly
- symbel, noun, n., feast
- syn, noun, f., crime, sin
- teon, verb, to draw, drag
- tid, noun, f., time
- til, adj., good
- tir, noun, m., glory
- torht, adj., bright
- treow, noun, f., faith, trust, loyalty
- treow, noun, n., tree
- tun, noun, m., town, village
- tungol, noun, n., star
- twegen, numeral, two
- tweo, noun, m., doubt, uncertainty
- uhta, noun, m. or f., period just before dawn
- uncuþ, adj., unknown, strange
- ut, adv., out
- wæl, noun, n., slaughter, carnage
- wæstm, noun, m., fruit
- wealdan, verb, wield, control
- wealdend, noun, m., ruler, Lord
- weard, noun, m., guardian
- weaxan, verb, to grow
- wen, noun, f., expectation, hope
- wendan, verb, to go, turn, translate, change
- weorþan, verb, to become, happen
- wer, noun, m., man
- werod, noun, n., troop, company
- wic, noun, n., abode
- wif, noun, n., woman, wife
- wig, noun, n., war, battle
- wiga, noun, m., warrior
- wiht, noun, f. and n., creature, being
- willan, verb, to want
- wine, noun, m., friend, lord
- winnan, verb, to struggle, fight
- wita, noun, m., wise man, counsellor
- witan, verb, to know
- wite, noun, n., punishment
- wiþ, prep., against, from, with
- wlanc, adj., proud
- wolcen, noun, n. or m., cloud, sky
- woruld, noun, f., world
- wræcca, noun, m., wanderer, exile
- wraþ, adj., hostile
- wrecan, verb, to avenge
- writan, verb, to write
- wudu, noun, m., wood, forest, tree
- wuldor, noun, n., glory
- wundor, noun, n., wonder, miracle
- wunian, verb, to dwell
- wynn, noun, f., joy
- wyrcan, verb, to make, form, produce
- wyrd, noun, f., fate, event
- wyrm, noun, m., worm, serpent
- wyrt, noun, f., herb, plant, vegetable
- yfel, adj., evil
- ymb, prep., about, concerning
- yrmþu, noun, f., hardship
- yrre, noun, n., anger
- yþ, noun, f., wave
- þa, adv. and conj., then, when
- þær, adv. and conj., there, where
- þeah, adv., though
- þeaw, noun, m., custom, practice
- þegn, noun, m., thane, nobleman, retainer, warrior
- þeod, noun, f., people, nation
- þeoden, noun, m., prince, lord
- þeow, noun, m., slave, servant
- þolian, verb, to suffer
- þonne, adv., then
- þrowian, verb, to suffer
- þrym, noun, m., glory
- þurfan, verb, to need
- þurh, prep., through
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