Say Less – Meaning, Origin and Usage
Have you ever been in conversation with someone, when they start to interrupts and say ‘say less’. Maybe you didn’t really understand what they might have meant at the time. But there’s no need to worry, I’m going to explain it all here for you.
I’ll kick off with what the phrase means, before touching on how the phrase may have originated. Then I’ll explain how and when to use the phrase, and provide you with a few alternative phrases you can use in its place, before rounding off with a final conclusion.
And without further ado, let’s get straight to it!
What is the meaning of the phrase ‘say less’?
When someone says ‘say less’ they generally mean that they understand enough of what you have said to be able to go ahead with the task at hand. It’s basically a way of saying that they know exactly what’s required, and you don’t need to expand on the request or provide any further details about why the request was raised or what needs to be done next.
The phrase ‘say less’ is simply the newer way of saying ‘say no more’. Moreover, it’s a far more polite way of speaking rather than simply telling someone to ‘shut up’ or ‘stop talking’.
Sometimes people say the phrase with a negative connotation when they just want someone to stop talking. However, it is much more commonly used to tell someone that you understand and that you have their back.
What is the origin of the phrase ‘say less’?
As mentioned earlier, the phrase ‘say less’ is simply a shorter version of the older phrase ‘say no more’. The phrase ‘say no more often sounds too formal for everyday conversation, and also sounds very outdated or even archaic. That’s why, these days, people have started to use the alternative phrase ‘say less’ instead. It’s far more palatable and fits in with modern speech much better.
When the phrase ‘say less’ began to take hold, people began using it in texts and memes etc and everywhere where brevity and speed are important, such as on chat rooms and Whatsapp groups.
The popularity of the phrase really began trending when it started being used on the gaming platform Twitch, where if someone requests something from someone else on their team, the person responding with ‘say less’ already expected what was being asked of them. In the internet age, quick and snappy messages such as GIFs of ‘say less’ are often preferred over longer phrases.
How and when can you say ‘say less’?
You can use the phrase ‘say less’ anywhere to indicate that you already understand what’s being said and that no further details are required. This includes everyday in-person conversations or online, whether it be on a gaming platform or in an internet chatroom.
Here follows some examples of the phrase being used in conversation:
Person 1: There’s going to be a free bat at the party next week.
Person 2: Say less – I’m there!
Person 1: I need a wing man to approach those fine ladies over there.
Person 2: Say less. Let’s go!
Person 1: How did we get into this mess?
Person 2: Say less, I’m on it, going to get it sorted ASAP.
Person 1: Sean dumped me last night.
Person 2: Say less, I’m on my way over
Person 1: Oh my gosh, what happened to the spreadsheet?
Person 2: Say less, I’ll get this fixed in no time at all
What are some other ways of saying ‘say less’?
The are a wide range of alternative phrases that are similar to ‘say less’. Here’s a quick sample for you to browse through:
- Say no more
- I understand
- I’m with you
- I know exactly what you mean
- I know exactly what to do from here
- Say no more, I understand completely
- Agreed
- Oh, I agree just let me get started
- Ok, ok, I get it
- Sure thing, leave it with me
- You don’t need to get into any more details
- Don’t worry, I’m way ahead of you
- I understand perfectly
- Yes, we certainly see eye to eye on this
- Trust me, I know
- Don’t worry, I’ve got you
- I know enough
- Yeah, for sure, I get it
- For real
- True, true
- Very true
Final thoughts
So, to sum up, the phrase ‘say less’ is literal. It’s used by someone who understands what is being said and needs no further details in order to proceed. It’s also a more modern and less archaic way of saying ‘say no more’ which often feels too formal for everyday conversation.
If you wish, there are a plethora of other phrases that can use in place of ‘say less’ if you want to avoid being taken the wrong way.